For the past few days the room 8 have been working on our package to send to Greymain School in Greymouth. We hope they enjoy what we sent them. We are also looking forward to getting a package from the South Island school.
Hi Natalia It’s me Von from ST Pius X catholic School and I am a part of your blogging buddy squad! WOW! Really? That’s great that your class is sending a package to another school. But I was wondering..hmmm what’s in the package???
Hi Natalia It’s me Von from ST Pius X catholic School and I am a part of your blogging buddy squad! WOW! Really? That’s great that your class is sending a package to another school. But I was wondering..hmmm what’s in the package???
Hi Natalia it's me Chyrus from pt england school and I am one of your buddy squad. Awsome how you and your school send packages to other schools
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