
Sunday, 18 December 2016

Week 1 activities / Summer learning Journey.

Activity 1 / Summer learning Journey:
First week / Activity
Choosing destination

I have chosen Japan because:

* It seems like a interesting country.
*I want to learn more about their culture.

Activity 2 / Summer learning journey:
Week 1:
Three interesting facts on Japan:

* The Japanese names for Japan are Nihon and Nippon which means sun origin.

Japanese cuisine is now popular around the world. Some well known dishes are sushi, sashimi and tempura.

Japan is an industrialized nation producing some of the most technologically motor vehicles, electronics, and machine tools. 

Bonus Activity / Summer learning journey:
Bonus Activity:

Dear Mum and Dad:
I am going to visit Japan. I am going to visit Tokyo which is a city in Japan. I am going to visit Japan because I want to find out more about their country. I'll be away for 2 weeks or i'll be homesick. You are welcome to join me if you want it will be a fun journey.


Unknown said...

Ohio gozimus Natalia!

I'm Mark and I am a teacher working on the summer learning journey programme! I have been to Japan several times so I look forward to reading what you are learning about it! It is one of my top countries!

I enjoyed reading your facts! Especially the one about food - but maybe that's because I am hungry right now. One of my favourite Japanese foods is called okonomiyaki (a Japanese dinner pancake), you should have a look into it as it is AMAZING. I also enjoy takoyaki (like battered balls with octopus meat in it with delicious sauce). I know you might think octopus is gross, but if you ever get a chance, give it a fair try and I bet you won't be disappointed.

I've visited Kamogawa, Yokohama, Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. I really want to visit Kyushu next time and explore more of Tokyo because each time I visit I forget to visit the main castle!

Each of the places I mentioned has something very different to offer, maybe you could have a look into each and see if you find something you might like to do in them and we can see if it's the same as what I did!?

I am excited to read more about what you are learning throughout the holidays! Have a great day!

Kia Kaha,


Anonymous said...

Do you remember our Japanese teacher Natalia...he was so cool. He taught us how to make origami frogs. Do you like sushi? My country is Malaysia...have a look at what I've found out so far...!

Anonymous said...

Ohayo Gozaimasu Natalia,
My name is Tania and I am a Manaiakalani Outreach Facilitator - I work in lots of different schools with teachers and learners who, like you, are using chromebooks for their learning and blogs to share their learning. I have been emailing with Rachel and she has told me all about The Summer Learning Journey, you have made a great start on your day 1 activities. I have family who live in Japan so have been there to visit them. They live in Yokohama which is very close to Tokyo. We went to Tokyo on a train and to Kyoto on a bullet train. I really liked Japan, we were there when all the cherry blossoms were out and it is very pretty. I liked seeing the Japanese girls dressed in their traditional kimonos, they looked beautiful! I am sure you will learn heaps about Japan over summer and be inspired to visit there for real one day!
Enjoy your learning.

Carolyn said...

Hi Natalia!

My name is Carolyn and I'm looking forward to reading your blog over the next few weeks! Great to see that you have chosen Japan - I have visited once, and would absolutely love to go there again. I'm also curious to know - do you like Japanese food??

Can't wait to read more about Japan on your blog!


Unknown said...

Kon'nichiwa Natalia!

It is wonderful to see that you have joined our learning journey and chosen to visit an amazing country like Japan. It is quite an intriguing place to visit because it is very traditional in some areas and, at the same time, very modern.

I had the opportunity to live in Japan for a year teaching English and I loved it. I would really like to go back and spend more time in the northern region of the country (eg. islands like Hokkaido).

I would also like to spend more time in Kyoto and Hiroshima. They were two of the most interesting places that I visited while living and working in Nagano City.

I hope that you will have the chance to continue your adventures through Japan with us this summer. We'll be checking your blog regularly and posting comments on your work. We can't wait to see what you write next!

In the meantime, have a very happy new years!


Anonymous said...

Hi Natalia!

Great facts! I've never tried any Japanese food besides sushi, but after reading your fact about food, I'm sure to give some more types a try!

Your letter at the end was also very well done! I'm sure your parents would join you.

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Natalia,

My name is Lusia and I go to St Pius X.
I loved the country you picked! I also choice that country too! Great job!
Also forgot Happy new years!

Anonymous said...

Hey Natalia,

It's me Von, you may know me from the sport camp..I was one of the student who was chosen from S.P.X school to go with your school to the sport camp at Matamata... so yeah I don't need to introduce myself or do you not remember who I was?..

Anyways I'm glad too see you doing the summer learning journey. Nice job for completing the 3 activities For the (Week 1). The holidays is almost up but make the most of this blogging of yours. I hope you enjoyed and learn something from the Learning journey Activities.

All the best :)
from Von

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