Glen Innes School
38 Eastview Road
Glen Innes
4 April 2017
Dear Mum,
It would be so great if you attend the “Drop in Cafe” at school our on Wednesday 5 of April at 2:00 pm. I really want you to come so you can know what i’m learning and to see if i’m progressing from my last result.
My result for maths was a 3P, for reading I got 4B and for writing I got 3B. I am only proud of the score I got for reading because I went from 3B to 4B. I am very disappointed in myself for getting an score for maths and writing that is below the standard.
The national standard for year 7’s and 8’s is to at least get a 4 or even a 5.
I been trying to read lots of books and trying to understand the text and all. I think that's why I got an high score on reading. I have been trying to learn more about maths and i'm also trying to learn proper english to use in my writing to make it more interesting.
I think if you help me with my maths and writing everyday after school I will achieve more and get an higher score in maths and writing at school. I will also try my hardest to achieve an higher score in my PAT results and in my E-asttle results.
Your loving child,
Natalia Maupese
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