Omaru Creek
At Omaru Creek there were blockages because of fat and rubbish poured down in the drains by local residents. The maintenance crew arrived at Omaru Creek and helped clean out the rubbish in the creek, flushing the drain with clean water. The maintenance crew found things that shouldn't be in the Creek such as wipes, nappies, toys and rotting mattresses.
The residents of the Glen Innes community and our school are trying to help clean the Omaru Creek so that it will have fresh water and look like what every other stream should look like. Our school chose the part closest to Apirana Avenue and we plan on cleaning up the creek for a few weeks. We visited it and we found a metal bucket, sticks, plants that stops the water from flowing, and rubbish everywhere.
Hi Natalia, my name is Oliver. I like how you explained about water pollution. Our class is working on looking after our environment as well. Is Omaro creek the only creek that you are taking care of?
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