(Investigating Jerry)
“Mhmmmm something smells nice” Jerry said as he woke. He ran down stairs with excitement. As soon as he got down stairs, he ate the food that was made for him on the table. A couple of minutes later his mum went out to town.
The moment he got up from the table, he heard loud banging on his front door. He quickly ran to the door as fast as he could. As he opened the door slowly, he saw his mail thrown on the steps. He opened his mail and it said that he had to go to the police station for some questioning. Jerry packed his things and drove his mum to a family relatives house and went to the beach in town to think about what he did. After that he decided to stand in line to buy ice cream. Minutes later the investigator saw him and took him into the police station.
As soon as they arrived at the police station Jerry was taken to the room to be questioned. Minutes later the investigator asked him questions about where he was at that time and what he was doing, it made Jerry very nervous. The investigator made him even nervous by telling him he could go jail if he doesn’t speak up. Jerry didn’t say anything until the investigator was about to walk out.